


The battle goes on. Too often, we fail to clearly see what we are fighting, and what we are fighting for.

Perhaps it is in our nature to try and explain things.Perhaps it is what helped our ancestors discover and use technology. But too often, we stop investigating once we reach a conclusion that both feels right and does not seem illogical (at least to oneself). That is of course a faulty approach. How we feel about a theory does not affect its validity, and a logical theory only means that it is not impossible (but being possible doesn't mean that it is true).

So perhaps, it is time to stop being satisfied by explanations, and really find out, what we are fighting, and what we fight for.


Strong will is often praised. Perseverance and determination are admired. Yet when others' perseverance does not suit us, we say they are stubborn and stuck in their ways. Are they not merely persevering in their own way, in what they believe, the same way that we are?

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When is it ok to stop fighting?
If one stops fighting because peace is desired, does it make one any different from those who did not fight in the first place? Perhaps one is worse off because of the unnecessary destruction while ending in the same decision to not fight. Perhaps not entirely because at least one knows the futility of war.

Those who fight often frown upon those who don't, perhaps seeing them as cowards, as weaklings. Perhaps some of them are. The decision to fight does not show one's courage, just as the decision to not fight does not show one's cowardice. But even if one decides not to fight because one has conviction that war is futile, does it not mean that he is afraid that effort put forth will not yield results?

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