


Random thoughts of the day 

It's like, if you think heaven is so good, and you love your child so much, you should kill him/her/it when he/she/it is still a baby so he/she/it goes to heaven straightaway since he/she/it is so pure. Do people not love their children or do they really not believe in heaven anyway?

Sex is a little like a PS2. It would be nice to have, and I'd probably spend a whole lot of time on it and enjoy myself a whole damn lot at the same time if I had access to it. But life is still pretty sweet without it. At this point of time.

I fucking hate political correctness. Black people are black. Fat people are fat. Short people are midgets. Giving them a hypocritically nice sounding name doesn't change the facts. Especially in my textbooks. We're all (supposedly) well educated people reading textbooks written by (supposedly) even more well educated people, and they go on comparing 'white' people with 'African American' people. Dudes, any kid can tell you, white goes with black white goes with black white goes with black. Caucasian Americans go with African Americans. Fuck yeah.
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