


A good one, two days 

I had a dream within a dream. In the dream, the contents of the dream dream were to be taken seriously, as prophesied by a book. The title of the book was A good one, two days.

The night before I read an article about a philosopher talking about death. He said the anxiety he faces is not with death itself, rather as death is looming, he is feeling that maybe he had missed the point of life.

Last week's topic in class was death. I have always wondered why people often have overwhelming changes in their outlook when they are diagnosed with a terminal disease or have a close brush with death. Do you really need a reminder? Was there any illusions that you wouldn't die before the evidence was presented to you? Now I know. We merely, do not think about it. We avoid it until it becomes unavoidable. We do not state it explicitly, but we live under the illusion that we will never die.

However living under that illusion means we do not live life to the fullest. Death limits us, death gives us precious little time on this earth. Yet we squander it. We do not prioritize, we often conform to what others think is important.

Life is a fleeting dream which will be over before you know it and leave you thinking, "is that it?".
For now, I think, prioritizing things in life means having a good one, two days every so often.
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