


The thing is, we voluntarily sign away our freedom.

Rent a place, you sign away some parts of your freedom; you can't move someplace far otherwise you pay for it. Sign up for a course, time and energy is required, you lose your freedom to a degree, for other pursuits. You work for someone, you freedom is taken away for part of the week, in exchange for some stability in your life, or rather your perception of how life should be.

A friend doing marketing introduced me to the term "financial freedom". The question isn't whether money can buy you freedom, the question is, free from what?

I am not in any way doubting the value of money, having reaped much of its benefits myself. Free from what? Money can pay your rent, pay for your course, give you time and energy that you would otherwise have to spend on earning it. In that sense you are freed from certain so called responsibilities.

And yet, without that, how much freedom do you have now and how are you utilizing it?
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