



The Earth is estimated to be 65 million years old.
Its population of human beings is estimated to be 7 billion.
Compared to the rest of the Universe, the Earth is but a tiny spot.

There is no possible way a human life can objectively be of value.

Which is not to say it is not of value. It still has subjective value. Our lives are worth as much as we decide they are, and so are our actions. The lack of objective value means that there is no absolute measure, no guide for what is truly worthwhile; yet it also means that once we decide that something is of value, there is no absolute measure to deny it.

Some may choose to follow society's prescription of value, some may choose to pursue their own. In the end, we all die alone. Not in the sense that no one will be beside us, but rather, we need to face our own deaths by ourselves. We need to evaluate our own lives, and decide whether it has been worthwhile, and only we ourselves can decide, for only we ourselves shoulder the consequences of the satisfaction of a life well lived, or the despair of wasted time.

A good life by society's standards will not soothe personal pains.
A miserable one by society's standards will not dim the shine of a life without regrets.

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